Friday, November 5, 2010

Moving things along

Wow, what a week it has been!
I get offered a part-time job on Monday, Tuesday morning I find out my tenants have vacated my unit, Tuesday I get quotes for painters, by the end of the weekend my house should be all re-painted and next Tuesday I have movers moving my things back into my house! Phew!
I was going to give my tenants there three month notice at the beginning of December, but I guess they beat me to it. Luckily they paid for October's rent, but they have left me high and dry for November so they won't be getting there deposit back, which is going to be going towards the painting.
It is going to cost a bit of money the next few months, with bills and all, plus Christmas is just around the corner; but over the last couple of days I have gotten really excited to move back in!
The house itself isn't destroyed all to bad, a couple things that need to get fixed, such as a hole they put in the linoleum to pull up cables (?????), and of course its about a foot and half from the wall, the main floor desperately needs to be painted, and the whole house needs a good clean! They also took off with my mail box key and my garage door opener, all which will cost money to change if I don't get them back, fingers crossed my lazy property manager can get a hold of him :)
It is going to be a very busy few weeks ahead of me as I am off to Edmonton for the weekend, then I need to have my place cleaned on Monday, my things to be moved in on Tuesday, and the following week I start my orientation for my new job, and the week following that I am off to England! Plus all the things I need to purchase for my house such as a vacuum, a TV stand, cleaning supplies and of course food, and to try and fit in a few shifts at the hospital next week. I have already purchased a duvet as I needed to pick a color for my bedroom, as well as a shower curtain so I could pick a color for the bathroom! I get exhausted just thinking about it, but I am still very excited and can't wait to fully move in.

This weekend I am off to visit a couple of friends that I haven't seen in awhile. It is going to be a fun filled, drinking weekend. The plan, well, other then bowling Saturday night and maybe a golf game in if the weather is nice and we have time! All in all, it should be a blast!

1 comment:

  1. I am behind on reading your blog! Congratulations on the job and getting your house back! Will Rob be coming to stay in Canada soon?
